Thursday, May 3, 2012

Almost time for the Biggest Week!

I've been in Ohio for not quite two days and I've barely had time to think. BSBO employees have been scurrying around like ants, scrambling to get every detail in shape for the festival, which starts tomorrow. I have been birding the heck out of Magee Marsh. The last two mornings, I haven't left the boardwalk until after noon. Both mornings were 20+ warbler days. Today, I totaled 23 for the morning. Best so far were a Prairie yesterday and a Canada today. Summer Tanager, Upland Sandpiper, Am Pipit, and a vireo slam were special treats as well. The festival itself starts tomorrow and I am double booked on field trips most days. I'll be attempting to blog in the evenings about the adventures of the day.

Many many people have come down for the festival. Our ABA president and first lady arrived last night and many other nationally known birders are here.

It's going to be an awesome week!
Stay tuned for updates and follow my twitter feed @Uppiesand for sightings updates.

Check the twitter hashtag #biggestweek for tweets about the festival.

Til next time, Happy Birding!

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